Author Archives: Abby Austin

Abby Austin

Healthy Panda Express Shrimp Bowl
Blog, Nutrition

Healthy Panda Express Shrimp Bowl

Let’s be real, who doesn’t love Panda Express?! Absolutely delicious, check! Healthy? Debatable. That’s why I created my own homemade, healthy version of Peppered Shrimp & Greens Bowl. The best part? It...

September 02, 2016
alafitness Hollywood personal trainer NPC coach Los Angeles bikini competition Jon Lindsay makeup

What You Should Know Before Competing

Alarm goes off at 5:30am, time for an hour of cardio. Shower, eat, coffee of course, and get ready for the day. Off to work or school. Eat 3-4 prepped...

August 20, 2016
Why You're Doing Squats Wrong
Blog, Workouts

Why You’re Doing Squats Wrong

Acknowledged as the most essential exercise for any fitness goal, the squat is also one of the most difficult exercises to perform properly. Few exercises work as many muscles simultaneously...

August 10, 2016
alafitness Hollywood personal trainer Los Angeles protein meal prep macros iifym whey
Blog, Nutrition

The Powers of Protein

Running, hiking, weight lifting, or yoga; you are expending energy. Your body needs the right nutrients to recover from this physical activity. Protein is the vital building block to repair...

June 17, 2016
alafitness Hollywood personal trainer Los Angeles recipe breakfast healthy quiche egg muffins
Blog, Nutrition

Healthy Bison Breakfast Quiche

Have you ever tried Bison Meat? Have you even heard of it? Bison meat is one of the most underrated proteins and a great way to start your morning. It’s actually...

May 10, 2016
alafitness Hollywood personal trainer Los Angeles vitamins biotin supplements benefits women's FitMiss
Blog, Nutrition, Supplements

You Need Some More B!

We’ve heard it before, either from your parents or your doctor, “take your vitamins”. But with 13 essential vitamins, can you name them all, with their benefits? The eight B vitamins, known together...

March 02, 2016
alafitness Hollywood personal trainer Los Angeles pre-workout recipe snacks yogurt tuna shrimp
Blog, Nutrition

3 Great Pre-Workout Snacks

  To obtain your full potential in the weight room or on your run, you need fuel for the energy you will expend. A balanced pre-workout snack must contain both...

January 24, 2016