Tag: breakfast

alafitness Hollywood personal trainer Los Angeles recipe breakfast healthy quiche egg muffins

Have you ever tried Bison Meat? Have you even heard of it? Bison meat is one of the most underrated proteins and a great way to start your morning. It’s actually the cleanest dark meat there is, with high protein content. Per serving, there are zero carbs and sugar, as well as low in calories and fat. A delicious, easy, and quick way to enjoy bison is in Breakfast Quiche. Ingredients (makes 12 quiche): 1 pound ground Bison Meat (Great Range) 1/3 onion 1/3 green pepper 1 cup Egg Whites (equivalent to 4 eggs)......

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alafitness Hollywood personal trainer metabolism Los Angeles burn calories strength training flexing

Metabolism. Frequently used as justification to eat whatever we want at a younger age, but more often an excuse for why we don’t meet our weight loss goals. Every time you intake food or beverage, your metabolism converts those calories into energy. While your age, body size, gender and genetics determine much of your metabolic rate, there are scientifically proven lifestyle changes to increase your metabolism. Therefore, a faster metabolism yields more calories burned. Here are SEVEN ways to help ramp up your metabolism and maintain better body composition: 1. Get a good night’s......

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